“Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints”
O Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and Charity for His creatures, made you worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers. Encouraged by this thought, I implore you to obtain for me (request). O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms; and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. Amen.
The origins of Unfailing Prayer to St. Anthony
The Unfailing Prayer to St. Anthony is a popular Catholic prayer that is said to have originated in the 18th century. It is addressed to St. Anthony of Padua, a 13th-century Franciscan friar who became known as the patron saint of lost items.
The prayer is believed to have been based on an experience of a woman who lost a precious item and prayed to St. Anthony for help. She promised to promote devotion to him if he found the item, and it was miraculously returned to her.
The Unfailing Prayer to St. Anthony became widely popular in the 19th century, particularly among Italian and Irish Catholics, and it continues to be recited by many believers today.
The prayer calls upon St. Anthony’s intercession for help in finding lost items, but also for broader spiritual aid, including comfort in times of sorrow and strength in facing life’s challenges.
The Unfailing Prayer to St. Anthony has been translated into various languages and is often printed on prayer cards and other devotional items. While it is not an official prayer of the Catholic Church, it has been embraced by many as a powerful expression of trust in St. Anthony’s intercession and in God’s providential care.