The Prayer, We Fly to Thy Patronage

We fly to thy patronage, O holy Mother of God;
despise not our petitions in our necessities,
but deliver us always from all dangers,
O glorious and blessed Virgin.


May the Divine assistance remain always with us!


Further insights into The Prayer, We Fly to Thy Patronage

The Prayer, We Fly to Thy Patronage is a Catholic prayer that seeks the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary as a protector and patron. The prayer is often used in times of difficulty or danger, asking for the guidance and support of the Virgin Mary as a Mother and advocate.

The origins of the We Fly to Thy Patronage prayer can be traced back to the 6th century, when a group of sailors found themselves in a severe storm. They called upon the intercession of the Virgin Mary, and were saved from the storm. In gratitude, they composed a hymn in honor of the Virgin Mary, who they saw as their protector and patron.

Over time, the hymn was adapted into a prayer format, and became known as the We Fly to Thy Patronage prayer. It has since become a popular Catholic prayer that is often used in times of difficulty or danger.

The prayer emphasizes the importance of Mary’s role as protector and advocate, and seeks her intercession in times of need. It also highlights the closeness and intimacy of the relationship between Mary and her children, and expresses the trust and confidence that Catholics have in her motherly care and love.

Today, the We Fly to Thy Patronage prayer remains an important part of Catholic devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and is often used in Catholic liturgies and personal prayer. It serves as a reminder of the power of prayer and the importance of seeking the intercession of Mary in times of need.

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