Prayer to Saint Valentine

Dear Lord, who art high in the Heavens,
Giver of Love and Passion,
And He who strings the heart’s cords,
Lead the Lovers this day, February ten plus four.
The day during the month of two,
When the date is the perfect number of God
Greater two souls and two hearts.
Some Loves are fleeting ,
But that which is built on you will never fail.
So guide the Lovers to know what is to be.
Your truths the Lovers’ mouths should speak,
For Your truth is that which is honest to the heart.
Only this, then, should pass over the red lips of the Lovers.
Your art, the Lovers simply a medium.
It is only with True Hearts that You can create a Masterpiece,
So let the Lovers remember that their Soul’s Desire
Is the one for which You light their Fire.
And let it be You who creates the Art of the Lovers;
The art of two into one.


History of Prayer to Saint Valentine

The Prayer to Saint Valentine is a Roman Catholic prayer that asks for the intercession of St. Valentine, the patron saint of love, against various afflictions of the heart.

The prayer’s origins cannot be traced to a specific time or place, but it is likely that it emerged during the Middle Ages when devotions to saints became more widespread in Christianity.

The prayer emphasizes the power of love and the importance of seeking St. Valentine’s help in matters of the heart.

St. Valentine was a Roman martyr who lived in the 3rd century AD, and his feast day is celebrated on February 14th. He is known for his acts of love and charity and for performing secret marriages for couples who were forbidden to marry by the Roman authorities.

The Prayer to St. Valentine is a beautiful expression of devotion to the patron saint of love and is often recited on Valentine’s Day and on other occasions when love is celebrated, such as weddings and anniversaries. It is a reminder of the power of love and the importance of seeking Saint Valentine’s intercession for matters of the heart.

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