My Daily Prayer

O My God,
I place my trust and confidence in You,
who will reward the good and punish the wicked.
I believe in You and accept everything
You have taught and revealed.

I believe that in one God
there are three Divine Persons –
God the Father,
God the Son
and God the Holy Spirit.

I believe that God the Son became Man
without ceasing to be God.
He is Jesus Christ, my lord and my Saviour,
the Redeemer of the human race.
He died on the Cross for my salvation
and eternal happiness.

O my God, give me a strong faith.
Help me to believe with lively faith.

O my God, all-good and all-merciful,
I sincerely hope to be saved.
Help me to do all that is necessary
to gain eternal salvation.

I have committed many sins in my life,
but now I turn away from them.
I am sorry, truly sorry for all of them,
because I have offended You, my God,
Who are all-good, all-perfect,
all-holy and all-merciful.

I love you, O my God, with all my heart.
Please forgive me for having offended You.

I promise that, with Your help,
I will never offend You again.

My God, have mercy on me.

More information about My Daily Prayer

My Daily Prayer is a Catholic prayer that provides a simple yet powerful way to begin each day with a focus on God’s presence and guidance. Although the origin of the prayer is unclear, it reflects the timeless desire of believers to start each day with a spiritual foundation and a heart open to God’s grace.

The prayer consists of a series of petitions and declarations, beginning with the words “Dear Lord, I do not know what will happen to me today, but I do know that nothing will happen that You and I cannot handle together.” It continues with expressions of faith and trust in God’s guidance, asking for His help in facing any challenges or difficulties that may arise throughout the day.

My Daily Prayer is often recited by individuals or groups as a way of grounding themselves in God’s presence and seeking His guidance and protection throughout the day. It is also a reminder that each day offers new opportunities for growth, service, and spiritual renewal, and that God’s grace is always available to those who seek it.

As a simple yet profound expression of faith and trust, My Daily Prayer continues to be a beloved part of Catholic prayer and worship, inspiring believers to approach each day with a spirit of openness and receptivity to God’s grace and love.

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