Hail Star of the Sea

Hail, O Star of the ocean, God’s own Mother blest, ever sinless Virgin, gate of heav’nly rest.

Taking that sweet Ave, which from Gabriel came, peace confirm within us, changing Eve’s name.

Break the sinners’ fetters, make our blindness day, Chase all evils from us, for all blessings pray.

Show thyself a Mother, may the Word divine born for us thine Infant hear our prayers through thine.

Virgin all excelling, mildest of the mild, free from guilt preserve us meek and undefiled.

Keep our life all spotless, make our way secure till we find in Jesus, joy for evermore.

Praise to God the Father, honor to the Son, in the Holy Spirit, be the glory one.


Where did this prayer come from? Hail Star of the Sea

The “Hail Star of the Sea” is a prayer that expresses devotion to Mary, the Mother of God. Like many other Catholic prayers, it has its roots in the traditions and practices of the early Church.

The origins of the prayer can be traced back to the 6th century, when it was believed that sailors and seafarers called upon the Virgin Mary for protection and guidance during their voyages. The prayer was composed as a way of expressing this devotion and asking for Mary’s intercession in times of danger.

Over time, the “Hail Star of the Sea” became popular among Catholics of all walks of life, not just seafarers. The prayer has been adapted and modified over the centuries, with different versions of the text reflecting the diverse needs and concerns of the faithful.

Today, the “Hail Star of the Sea” continues to be a beloved prayer among Catholics around the world, particularly those who live near the coast or rely on the sea for their livelihood. It represents a powerful expression of faith and trust, and encourages believers to turn to Mary for strength and guidance during times of trial.

Ultimately, the “Hail Star of the Sea” serves as a reminder of the important role that Mary plays in the life of the faithful. As Mother of God and Queen of Heaven, she is seen as a source of comfort and protection for all who call upon her name, and a beacon of hope and faith in the midst of life’s storms.

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