Advent Prayer #2

O shepherd of Israel, hearken,
O guide of the flock of Joseph!
Rouse your power, and come to save us.
O Lord of hosts, restore us,
if your face shine upon us, then we shall be safe.
O Lord of hosts, how long will you burn with anger
while your people pray?
You have fed them with the bread of tears
and given them tears to drink in ample measure.
You have left us to be fought over by our neighbors,
and our enemies mock us.
O Lord of hosts, restore us,
if your face shine upon us, then we shall be safe.

Additional details regarding Advent Prayer #2

Advent is a period of waiting and preparation for the coming of Christ. It is a season that begins four Sundays before Christmas day. During this time, the faithful engage in various spiritual practices including prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.

The Advent prayer is one of the central spiritual practices during this season. It is a prayer of hope, as we wait for the coming of Christ into our lives and our world. The prayer is also a reminder of the importance of preparing ourselves to receive Christ, not just during Advent, but every day of our lives.

The Advent prayer has its roots in the ancient liturgical practices of the Church. As early as the 4th century, Christians began preparing for the celebration of Christ’s birth with a period of fasting and prayer. Over time, this period of preparation evolved into the four-week Advent season we know today.

Throughout the centuries, the Advent prayer has taken on many different forms and expressions. In some places, it is recited in the Liturgy of the Hours, while in others it is incorporated into the celebration of the Advent wreath. What remains constant is that the prayer serves as a reminder of the true meaning of Christmas, and the importance of preparing ourselves to receive the gift of Christ with open hearts and minds.

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