Jesus, You have given Yourself to me, Now let me give myself to You; I give You my body, That it may be chaste and pure. I give You my soul, That it may always love You. I give You every thought, word, And deed of my life, And I offer all For Your honour and glory.
More information about Act of Offering # 1
The Act of Offering #1 is a Catholic prayer that has its origins in the deep tradition of Catholic spirituality.
The prayer was popularized by the Apostleship of Prayer, a Catholic organization founded in the 19th century to promote devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In the early 20th century, the Act of Offering #1 was incorporated into the daily prayers of many Catholic schools, where it was used as a way to start the day and remind students of the importance of living a life of service to God and others.
The prayer was also included in many Catholic devotional books and prayer manuals, becoming a popular way for Catholics to consecrate themselves to God and offer their lives to Him in gratitude and love.
Today, the Act of Offering #1 remains an important part of Catholic spirituality, reminding Catholics of their commitment to follow Christ and live lives of holiness, service, and love. The prayer offers a way for Catholics to start each day with a spirit of gratitude and surrender to God, and to be mindful in all their words and actions of their desire to serve Him and others.