O most Sacred Heart of Jesus,
I offer myself entirely to You, Here I am, kneeling before Your presence.
I come to consecrate to You my body, my soul, my senses, and all of myself; I want to make my life a continuous act of love.
I surrender to You my understanding, my will, my heart, and all the movements of my spirit, I want to love You always, above all things.
I desire to secure for You, from all human ingratitude, by my own fidelity, the presence of all hearts, to console You in the bitterness of abandonment.
I wish to be united to Your Heart, to learn more and more how to love You, and to give myself to You completely in love’s embrace.
Lord Jesus, receive my heart as the altar of Your purest love, and may it always be kept immaculate for You alone.
The timeline of Act of Oblation to the Sacred Heart
The Act of Oblation to the Sacred Heart is a Catholic prayer that was written by the French spiritual writer, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, who received revelations from Jesus in the 17th century about His Sacred Heart.
The revelations were about the great love that Jesus has for humanity, and His desire for them to return that love by devotion and consecration to His Sacred Heart.
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque was inspired by these revelations to write the Act of Oblation to the Sacred Heart as a way for Catholics to consecrate themselves to Jesus through His Sacred Heart.
The prayer quickly gained popularity among Catholics, and was eventually incorporated into the liturgy, becoming part of the Act of Consecration of the Human Race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Today, the Act of Oblation to the Sacred Heart continues to be a powerful prayer for Catholics, reminding them of the immense love that Jesus has for each one of them and the importance of consecrating themselves to Him through His Sacred Heart.