Act of Hope (Authorized for use in Ireland)

O my God, relying on Your infinite goodness and mercy, I hope to obtain forgiveness of my sins and eternal life, through the merits of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Redeemer.

With firm faith and unshakable hope, I place my trust in Your providence, knowing that You will guide me along the path of righteousness and lead me to eternal happiness.

May the Act of Hope strengthen my heart, lift me up in times of trial and despair, and sustain me always in the knowledge of Your love and mercy. Amen.

Where did this prayer come from? Act of Hope (Authorized for use in Ireland)

The Act of Hope (Authorized for use in Ireland) is a traditional Catholic prayer that expresses one’s trust and confidence in God’s mercy and providence.

The prayer reflects the fundamental beliefs of the Catholic faith in the redemptive power of Christ and the promise of eternal life.

While the exact origin of the prayer is unknown, it has been used by Catholics in Ireland and around the world for centuries, serving as a source of comfort and strength in times of trial and despair.

The prayer emphasizes the importance of placing one’s trust in God’s care and the promise of eternal life, reminding the faithful of the ultimate goal of their faith.

In Ireland, the Act of Hope has been authorized for use by the Catholic bishops, serving as an official part of the Catholic liturgy and reflecting the importance of this prayer in the spiritual life of the faithful.

Today, the Act of Hope (Authorized for use in Ireland) continues to inspire and uplift Catholics, reminding them of the infinite goodness and mercy of God and calling them to place their hope and

5 thoughts on “Act of Hope (Authorized for use in Ireland)”

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