Act of Hope and Confidence after Holy Communion #1

O Jesus, sweetest and most merciful Savior, I adore You and give You thanks with all my heart, For coming to my soul in Holy Communion.

My Lord Jesus, in You alone, I have hope and confidence, And I firmly believe that You are present in my heart.

Grant me the grace to always remain in You, And to keep Your Love always burning in my soul, So that I may live only for You, my God.

May Your sweet and loving Presence in my heart, Transform me into Your likeness, And help me to radiate Your light and love to the world.

My Jesus, I trust in You, I hope in You, And I love You with all my heart. Amen.

The background story of Act of Hope and Confidence after Holy Communion #1

The Act of Hope and Confidence after Holy Communion #1 Catholic Prayer has a long history in the Church. It is a traditional prayer said by Catholics after receiving Holy Communion.

The prayer is believed to have been written by St. Claude de la Colombière, a Jesuit priest, and spiritual director to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque. St. Claude was known for his deep devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and was instrumental in promoting the devotion to the Sacred Heart throughout France.

The prayer itself expresses trust and confidence in the Lord after receiving Holy Communion, acknowledging the presence of Christ in the Eucharist and the transformative power of this sacrament. It asks for the grace to remain close to Christ in all aspects of life and to live in accordance with His will.

The Act of Hope and Confidence after Holy Communion #1 Catholic Prayer is an integral part of the Catholic Mass and has been passed down through the generations as a beautiful expression of faith and trust in God. It is a powerful reminder of the profound gift of the Eucharist and the transformative power of Christ’s love in our lives. Catholics around the world continue to recite this prayer, strengthening their faith in the Lord and deepening their connection to Him through the sacrament of the Eucharist.

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