Act of Faith before Holy Communion

Of a truth I firmly believe,
O Good Jesus,
and with lively faith confess,
that Thou Thyself,
equal to God the Father in glory and in power,
true God and Man,
art verily and indeed present in this Sacrament.
For Thou, the very high Truth itself,
hast said, This is My Body, This is My Blood.
I believe whatever the Son of God hath said.
Nothing can be truer than this word of Him who is the
I do believe, Lord;
help my belief, increase my faith.


The legacy of Act of Faith before Holy Communion

The Act of Faith before Holy Communion is a Catholic prayer that expresses one’s belief in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.

The practice of receiving Holy Communion has been an integral part of Christian worship since the time of the apostles.

The prayer itself has evolved over time, with various theologians and saints contributing to its formulation, including St. Thomas Aquinas, who composed many hymns and prayers to express the doctrine of the Eucharist.

The prayer has been recognized as a powerful expression of faith and devotion to Christ in the Eucharist, emphasizing the profound significance of this sacrament in the life of the faithful.

During the Council of Trent in the 16th century, the Catholic Church affirmed the doctrine of the Real Presence, calling for the faithful to approach the Eucharist with faith, reverence and love.

Today, the Act of Faith before Holy Communion remains an essential part of Catholic spirituality, serving as a reminder of the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist and calling the faithful to approach this sacrament with humble trust and deep faith.

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