Father, we beg Your blessing for the Right to Life, the Unborn, the weak, the sick and the old; all who are finding themselves being targets of the vicious culture of death; that our Lord Jesus bless and protect all who stand up for the Christian dignity of persons. That God enlighten those who are traveling down death’s highway by their involvement, in any way, with either the contemporary death culture, selfism, relativeism, or any of the new age errors of our times, that God envelop our culture with His Divine protection and help us both individually and as a nation to true enlightenment, conversion and repentance of our selves and our culture. Help us to turn from our national sin of abortion, and return to, and once again become a Christian nation, on the narrow road, that is, the path to becoming a nation and culture, under God. Amen.
The legacy of A Prayer for America
A Prayer for America is a Catholic prayer that seeks God’s blessings and guidance on the United States of America.
The prayer’s origins can be traced back to various times throughout American history when the nation faced difficult times, such as during World War II and the aftermath of the September 11 terrorist attacks.
The prayer emphasizes the importance of seeking God’s help and guidance in times of crisis or uncertainty, and it expresses a deep faith in His love and mercy.
The Prayer for America has been adapted and modified throughout the years to reflect the changing spiritual needs and concerns of the faithful.
Today, the prayer is still widely used in Catholic communities throughout the United States as a way to seek God’s blessings and protection on the nation and its people.
The prayer is a powerful reminder of the importance of turning to God in times of need and relying on His guidance and wisdom in all aspects of life. It expresses a deep love and devotion to America, while also recognizing the need for God’s help in achieving its ideals of justice, freedom and equality for all.