To the Holy Archangel Who Strengthened Our Lord in His Agony

I salute thee, holy Angel who didst comfort my Jesus in His agony, and with thee I praise the most holy Trinity for having chosen thee from among all the holy Angels to comfort and strengthen Him who is the comfort and strength of all that are in affliction. By the honour thou didst enjoy and by the obedience, humility and love wherewith thou didst assist the sacred Humanity of Jesus, my Saviour, when He was fainting for very sorrow at seeing the sins of the world and especially my sins, I beseech thee to obtain for me perfect sorrow for my sins; deign to strengthen me In the afflictions that now overwhelm me, and in all the other trials, to which I shall be exposed henceforth and, in particular, when I find myself in my final agony.

Where did this prayer come from? To the Holy Archangel Who Strengthened Our Lord in His Agony

“To the Holy Archangel Who Strengthened Our Lord in His Agony” is a Catholic prayer that honors the archangel Gabriel, who is believed to have strengthened Jesus during his agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. The prayer is also known by the titles “Prayer to St. Gabriel” and “Prayer of the Archangel Gabriel.”

The origin of the prayer is not clear, but it has been in use in the Catholic Church for many years. The prayer’s focus on Gabriel’s role in strengthening Jesus during his passion and death has made it a source of comfort and inspiration for many Catholics.

The prayer’s wording has varied over time, with different translations and versions in use. However, its central message of gratitude and recognition of Gabriel’s role in strengthening Jesus has remained constant.

The “To the Holy Archangel Who Strengthened Our Lord in His Agony” prayer has become a popular devotional prayer, often recited in times of trials or difficulties. The prayer’s focus on strength and perseverance in the face of adversity has made it a particular source of comfort for those facing challenges in their lives.

Despite its relatively unknown origins, the “To the Holy Archangel Who Strengthened Our Lord in His Agony” prayer has touched the hearts and souls of many Catholics around the world. It stands as a testament to the enduring power of angelic intercession and the deep and abiding faith of the Catholic Church.

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