The Catholic Prayer – A Special Act of Sorrow

Forgive me my sins, O Lord,
forgive me my sins;
the sins of my youth,
the sins of my age,
the sins of my soul,
the sins of my body;
my idle sins,
my serious voluntary sins,
the sins I know,
the sins I have concealed so long,
and which are now hidden from my memory.
I am truly sorry for every sin,
mortal and venial,
for all the sins of my childhood
up to the present hour.
I know my sins have wounded Thy tender Heart,
O my Savior,
let me be freed from the bonds of evil
through the most bitter Passion of my Redeemer.
O my Jesus,
forget and forgive what I have been.


More information about The Catholic Prayer – A Special Act of Sorrow

The Catholic Prayer – A Special Act of Sorrow, also known as the Act of Contrition, is a Catholic prayer that is said as a way of expressing sorrow for one’s sins. The prayer is a recognition of the pain and separation from God that sin causes and a plea for forgiveness and reconciliation. The tradition of confessing one’s sins and seeking absolution through prayer dates back to the earliest days of the Church.

The Act of Contrition has taken many different forms throughout history. In the early Church, it was a more public act, with people confessing their sins to the whole community and seeking absolution. Over time, the practice of private confession to a priest became more common, and with it came the development of more formal prayers of contrition. The prayer has undergone changes over time, but its basic structure and meaning have remained largely unchanged.

The Catholic Prayer – A Special Act of Sorrow is an important part of the Catholic sacrament of reconciliation. It is customarily recited after confessing one’s sins to a priest, but it can also be prayed privately as a way of expressing sorrow and seeking forgiveness. The prayer is a powerful reminder of the transformative power of confession and forgiveness, and a call to constantly turn away from sin and towards God.

Today, the Catholic Prayer – A Special Act of Sorrow continues to be a central part of Catholic spiritual practice. As Catholics seek to grow in holiness and deepen their relationship with God, the prayer provides a powerful way of acknowledging their own imperfections and asking for God’s mercy and grace. Through the Act of Contrition, Catholics seek to be reconciled with God and with one another, and to live a life of repentance and forgiveness.

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