O glorious St. Michael, guardian and defender of the Church of Jesus Christ, come to the assistance of this Church, against which the powers of hell are unchained, guard with especial care her august Head, and obtain that for him and for us the hour of triumph may speedily arrive. O glorious Archangel St. Michael, watch over us during life, defend us against the assaults of the demon, assist us especially at the hour of death; obtain for us a favorable judgment, and the happiness of beholding God face to face for endless ages. Amen.
Details about St. Michael, For Protection of the Church and Her Members
The St. Michael, For Protection of the Church and Her Members prayer is a Catholic prayer asking for the Archangel Michael’s intercession in protecting the Church and her members from spiritual harm. The prayer calls on Michael to defend the Church against the devil’s attacks and to guide its members towards eternal salvation.
The origins of the St. Michael, For Protection of the Church and Her Members prayer can be traced back to Pope Leo XIII. In 1886, he had a vision of the devil’s attacks on the Church and wrote the St. Michael prayer calling on his intercession for protection. He then decreed that it should be recited at the end of every Low Mass throughout the world.
The prayer’s focus on the protection of the Church and her members has made it particularly important in times of crisis. During the two World Wars, the prayer was recited by many Catholics around the world, especially in areas affected by conflict.
In 1994, Pope John Paul II encouraged Catholics to continue reciting the St. Michael prayer for the Church’s protection, stating that “the Church today is in need of this prayer, as she was at the end of the last century.” With its history rooted in the Church’s ongoing battle against evil, the St. Michael, For Protection of the Church and Her Members prayer remains a powerful tool of spiritual warfare for Catholics around the world.