Saint Raphael Prayer

O God who in Thy ineffable goodness hast rendered blessed Raphael the conductor of thy faithful in their journeys, we humbly implore Thee that we may be conducted by him in the way of salvation, and experience his help in the maladies of our souls. Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

More information about Saint Raphael Prayer

The Saint Raphael Prayer is a Catholic prayer that asks for the archangel Raphael’s intercession. Raphael is one of the seven archangels named in the Bible, and his name means “God heals”. The prayer is often used by those who are seeking physical or emotional healing or protection during travels.

The origins of the Saint Raphael Prayer are not clear, but it has been in use in the Catholic Church for many years. It is believed that the prayer gained popularity in the 19th century when devotion to St. Raphael increased in the Church.

The prayer’s text varies depending on who is reciting it. Some versions of the prayer ask for Raphael’s intercession in healing, while others ask for protection during travels. The prayer is often recited in conjunction with other Catholic prayers, such as the Our Father or the Hail Mary.

The Saint Raphael Prayer has become an important part of Catholic spirituality and is often included in prayer books and devotional materials. The prayer’s focus on healing and protection has made it a source of comfort for Catholics around the world, and many attribute their healing and protection to Raphael’s intercession.

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