Prayer to Jesus Christ the King

Almighty, everlasting God,
Who in Thy beloved Son,
King of the whole world,
hast willed to restore all things anew;
grant in Thy Mercy that all the families of nations,
rent asunder by the wound of sin,
may be subjected to His most gentle rule.
Who with Thee lives and reigns world without end.


Further insights into Prayer to Jesus Christ the King

The Prayer to Jesus Christ the King is a Catholic prayer that emphasizes Christ’s role as the ultimate authority and ruler of all creation. The prayer has its roots in the encyclical Quas Primas, written by Pope Pius XI in 1925.

At the time, there was growing concern about the rise of secularism and materialism in society, and Pope Pius XI sought to emphasize the need for Catholics to recognize Christ’s sovereignty over all aspects of human life. He established the Feast of Christ the King as a way to honor Christ’s kingship and to call believers to live in accordance with His teachings.

The Prayer to Jesus Christ the King emphasizes Christ’s power and authority, His mercy and love for humanity, and the need for believers to submit themselves to His will. It is seen as a way of acknowledging Christ’s kingship in our lives and of seeking His guidance and protection.

The prayer gained renewed popularity in the mid-20th century during the World Wars and the Cold War, when many Catholics were faced with the challenges of totalitarian regimes and the threat of nuclear annihilation. It was seen as a powerful way of asserting Christ’s sovereignty over all political systems and of seeking divine help and guidance in uncertain times.

Today, the Prayer to Jesus Christ the King continues to be an important part of Catholic devotion, reminding believers of the ultimate authority and power of Christ in their lives, and of the call to live in accordance with His teachings and example. It is a powerful reminder that the world’s problems can be solved only through Christ and that He ultimately reigns as the King of the universe.

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