O God, Who in a wonderful order hast established the ministry of Angels and of men, mercifully grant that, as Thy holy Angels ever do Thee service in Heaven, so they may at all times protect us on earth.
Further insights into Prayer to God Regarding Angels
The Prayer to God Regarding Angels, also known as the Guardian Angel Prayer, is a Catholic prayer that dates back to the 11th century. It is a prayer that specifically addresses one’s guardian angel and asks for protection, guidance, and assistance.
The belief in guardian angels is rooted in Catholic theology and has been present in Christianity since the early days of the Church. The idea is that God assigns each person a guardian angel to watch over and protect them throughout their lives.
The Prayer to God Regarding Angels has undergone a few changes over the centuries, but its essence has remained the same. The most common version of the prayer is:
“Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here. Ever this day be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.”
As a popular prayer, the Guardian Angel Prayer is often taught to children and used as a reminder of the presence of angels in one’s life. It is also commonly recited by adults as a form of spiritual protection and guidance.
Overall, the Prayer to God Regarding Angels is a significant part of Catholic tradition and has remained a powerful and meaningful prayer for over a thousand years.