O God Almighty, who suffered death upon the cross, particularly for my sins, be with me.
Holy Cross of Jesus, have pity on me.
Holy Cross of Jesus, be my protector.
Holy Cross of Jesus, take away all bitter pains.
Holy Cross of Jesus, take away all evil.
Holy Cross of Jesus, let me walk in the way of salvation.
Preserve me from any temporal accidents, take away any danger of sudden death. I always adore the Holy Cross of Jesus Christ:
Jesus of Nazareth crucified, have pity on me; make the spirit of evil leave me for all times.
O Mother of Perpetual Succour. I come before Thy Sacred picture and with a child-like conscience invoke thine aid. Show Thyself a Mother to me now.
Have pity of me. O, dearest Mother of Perpetual Succour, for the love Thou bearest to Jesus and in honour of His Sacred Wounds, help me in this my necessity.
Mention your intentions here…
O Loving Mother,
I leave all to thee in the Name of the Father.
I leave all to thee in the Name of the Son.
I leave all to thee in the Name of the Holy Spirit.
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, pray for us.
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, pray for us.
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, pray for us.
The origins of Prayer Found Under Christ’s Sepulchre 1503 Ad
The Prayer Found Under Christ’s Sepulchre is a Catholic prayer that was discovered in 1503 AD during the restoration of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. It is a powerful prayer that reflects the deep spiritual significance of the Holy Sepulchre as the place where Christ was crucified and buried.
The history of the prayer dates back to the Middle Ages, when the Holy Sepulchre was a popular destination for pilgrims from all over the world. The prayer was likely composed by one of these pilgrims as a way to express their devotion and reverence to Christ, who is believed to have been buried in the tomb that is located within the Holy Sepulchre.
When the prayer was discovered in 1503 AD, it was immediately recognized as a treasure of great spiritual significance. It was translated into many languages, and copies of the prayer were distributed throughout Europe.
Today, the Prayer Found Under Christ’s Sepulchre continues to be an important part of Catholic tradition. It is often recited by individuals and communities who wish to express their deep reverence and devotion to Christ and to seek his blessings and protection. The prayer serves as a powerful reminder of the profound spiritual significance of the Holy Sepulchre as a sacred site where Christians can connect with the legacy of their faith.