Dear Lord,
As I pray for the helpless unborn, I am filled with a deep sense of compassion for these innocent lives.
I ask that you protect and preserve their precious lives, for they are a true gift from you.
May we never forget our duty to speak out and advocate for the rights of these precious, unprotected lives.
Grant us the strength to stand up for the sanctity of life, in accordance with your will, and to offer hope and support to women facing unplanned pregnancies.
We entrust the lives of these precious children into your loving hands, Lord, and pray that they may be cherished and protected by all.
In the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior, we pray. Amen.
Details about Prayer for the Helpless Unborn
The Prayer for the Helpless Unborn is a Catholic prayer that advocates for the protection and preservation of the lives of unborn children. The prayer has its roots in the Catholic Church’s commitment to the dignity of human life and respect for the sanctity of life from conception to natural death.
The prayer was first crafted during the early days of the pro-life movement in the United States, which began in the 1960s. It was created as a response to the permissive attitude towards abortion that was becoming more prevalent in society, particularly in the West.
The prayer quickly became a powerful call to action, urging believers to speak out against abortion and to advocate for the rights of unborn children. The prayer particularly emphasizes the plight of unborn children who are at great risk of being aborted.
The Prayer for the Helpless Unborn has since been used in various pro-life activities, including marches, protests, and vigils. It serves as a reminder of the sacredness of human life and the need to defend the most vulnerable members of society.
The prayer invites believers to unite in prayer and action to promote the dignity and protection of life, and to offer hope and support to women facing unplanned pregnancies. It also encourages believers to uphold the Church’s teachings on the sacredness of life and to embrace a culture of life that values all human beings, born and unborn.