We pray You,
O almighty and eternal God!
Who through Jesus Christ
hast revealed Your glory to all nations,
to preserve the works of Your mercy,
that Your Church,
being spread through the whole world,
may continue with unchanging faith
in the confession of your name.
The legacy of Prayer for the Church #1
The Prayer for the Church #1 is a Catholic prayer that seeks God’s blessings and protection for the Church and its members.
The origins of the prayer can be traced back to the early days of the Church, where Christians faced persecution and hardship in their efforts to spread the Gospel. The prayer was created to ask for God’s intervention in these difficult times and to inspire hope and faith in the hearts of believers.
Over time, the prayer evolved to address the changing needs of the Church and its members. It has been adapted to offer guidance and support for various aspects of the Church’s life, including evangelization, worship, and the work of charity.
The Prayer for the Church #1 is often recited during Masses and other Catholic services, as well as during personal prayer and devotions. It emphasizes the importance of the Church in the lives of believers and the need to support and pray for its continued strength and growth.
The prayer invites believers to entrust themselves and their intentions to the care of the Church, and to seek the intercession of the saints and angels in their journey of faith. It also seeks God’s blessings on the Church’s leaders and members, who serve as stewards of the Church’s mission of spreading the Gospel to all nations.