My Jesus, by the sorrows Thou didst suffer
in Thine agony in the Garden,
in Thy scourging and crowning with thorns,
on the way to Calvary,
in Thy crucifixion and death,
have mercy on the souls in purgatory,
and especially on those that are most forsaken;
do Thou deliver them from the terrible torments they
call them and admit them
to Thy most sweet embrace in paradise.
Additional details regarding Prayer for Deliverance
The Prayer for Deliverance is a Catholic prayer that seeks protection from God against evil and temptation. It is a powerful prayer that can be used in times of spiritual and emotional distress, as well as in more serious situations such as exorcisms or other forms of deliverance ministry.
The origins of the Prayer for Deliverance can be traced back to the Bible, particularly the book of Psalms, which contains many prayers for protection from harm and evil. Over time, different versions of the prayer emerged, each reflecting the particular cultural or historical context of the time.
The prayer has been an integral part of Catholic spirituality for centuries, serving as a reminder of the constant struggle against sin and temptation. It is often used during Mass or other liturgies as a way of seeking God’s protection and guidance.
Today, the Prayer for Deliverance remains an important part of Catholic tradition, particularly in the context of deliverance ministry or spiritual warfare. It is a prayer of faith and trust in God’s power to protect and deliver us from evil, and it represents the belief that with God’s help, we can overcome even the greatest challenges and trials.
Overall, the Prayer for Deliverance reflects the Catholic Church’s longstanding commitment to spiritual protection and the constant struggle against evil and temptation. It serves as a reminder of the power of prayer and faith in times of need and the importance of seeking God’s guidance and protection at all times.