Prayer for Choosing a State of Life # 2

O Lord, I beseech Thee to grant me Thy Divine Light,
that I may know the designs of Thy providence concerning me,
and that, filled with a sincere desire for my soul’s salvation,
I may say, with the young man in the Gospel:
What must I do to be saved?
All states of life are before me; but,
still undecided what to do, I await Thy commands,
I offer myself to Thee without restriction,
without reserve, with a most perfect submission.

Far be it from me, O Lord,
to oppose the order of Thy wisdom,
and, unfaithful to the inspiration of Thy grace,
to strive to subject the will of the Creator
to the caprice of the creature.
It is not for the servant to choose the way
in which he will serve his master:
do Thou lay upon me what commands Thou pleasest.
My lot is in Thy hands.
I make no exception,
lest perchance what I accept be that which Thou willest,
and because I am too short-sighted
to discover in the future the different obstacles I shall meet with,
if, without Thy guidance,
I make myself the arbiter of my own conduct.
Speak, Lord, to my soul;
speak to me as Thou didst to the youthful Samuel:
Speak, Lord; for Thy servant heareth.
I cast myself at Thy feet,
and I am ready,
if it be Thy will,
to sacrifice myself as a victim to Thee
for the remainder of my days,
in such wise as Thou shalt deem most worthy of Thy greatness.

O my God, inspire the affections of my parents,
and guide their projects according to the counsels of Thy wisdom. Lord,
I sincerely desire to consult Thee who art the Eternal Truth;
grant that my parents also may submit themselves to its decrees,
faithfully and without reserve.


The origins of Prayer for Choosing a State of Life # 2

The Prayer for Choosing a State of Life is a Catholic prayer that has been recited for centuries, particularly by those discerning a vocation to the religious life or to marriage. Whilst there are many versions of this prayer, ‘Prayer for Choosing a State of Life #2’ is a popular and widely used option.

The origins of this prayer are unclear, as it has been passed down through generations of the Catholic faithful. It is likely that it was first composed during the early centuries of Christianity, when many Christians were faced with the profound question of how they should live their lives in accordance with God’s will.

The prayer is an appeal to God for guidance and wisdom in making important life decisions, such as whether to marry or to enter religious life. It acknowledges the weight of such decisions, and the need for discernment and openness to God’s will.

Over time, this prayer has become an important part of the Catholic spiritual tradition, particularly for those entering a time of discernment or transition. It is often recited during novenas or other times of focused prayer, and is seen as a powerful tool for discernment and decision-making.

Despite its long and storied history, the Prayer for Choosing a State of Life #2 remains a vital and relevant prayer for Catholics today. It is a reminder of the importance of seeking God’s will in all things, and of the transformative power of prayer in discerning our path in life.

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