Prayer for All Humanity

Bless us all, 0 Lord, we pray,
for loved ones, here and near, and far away.
And everyone for whom we pray.
Keep us safe each night and day,
the homeless who have no place to stay.
Those who are suffering in any way.
The dying, those mourning or grieving
and all who need God’s mercy.
Keep us safe, Heavenly Father,
when we are at home,
or traveling on our way,
or when we are vulnerable,
or in danger in any way.
Most merciful Father,
hear us as we pray for the souls in Purgatory,
or who may be sent there some day.

The background story of Prayer for All Humanity

The Prayer for All Humanity is a Catholic prayer that is focused on the unity and wellbeing of all people around the world. It is a prayer that seeks to promote love, peace and justice for all human beings, regardless of their race, religion, or nationality.

The prayer is believed to have originated in the early 20th century with a group of Catholic laypeople in France. The group was known as the “Friends of the Heart of Jesus” and they were dedicated to promoting devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to spreading the gospel message of love and compassion.

The prayer quickly gained popularity among Catholics in France and soon spread throughout Europe and the world. It has been translated into many languages and is recited by millions of Catholics world wide.

The prayer is a call to action for Catholics to become more involved in social justice issues and to work towards building a more just and peaceful world. It is a reminder that all people are created in the image and likeness of God and that we are called to love and serve one another.

Today, the Prayer for All Humanity remains an important part of Catholic tradition and is offered by countless Catholics around the world. It is a powerful reminder of our responsibility to care for one another and to work towards building a better world for all people.

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