Prayer Before Communion

Father in heaven, you have made us for yourself; our hearts are restless until they rest in you. Fulfill this longing through Jesus, the bread of life, so that we may witness to him who alone satisfies the hungers of the human family. By the power of your Spirit lead us to the heavenly table where we may feast on the vision of your glory for ever and ever. Amen.

The emergence of Prayer Before Communion

The Prayer Before Communion is an essential part of the Catholic Mass, and it has a long history in the Catholic Church.

The roots of the Prayer Before Communion can be traced back to the Last Supper, where Jesus shared bread and wine with his disciples and encouraged them to remember him by doing the same.

The practice of offering prayers before receiving Communion gradually developed in the early Church, as a way to prepare and purify oneself before receiving the body and blood of Christ.

Over time, different forms of Prayer Before Communion emerged, including silent meditation, hymns, and recitations of specific prayers.

In the Roman Catholic Church, the current form of the Prayer Before Communion was established during the Council of Trent in the 16th century. The prayer, which begins with the words “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,” is a humble acknowledgment of our unworthiness to receive the Eucharist and a plea for God’s mercy.

Today, the Prayer Before Communion remains an important part of the Catholic Mass, and it serves as a reminder of the sacredness and significance of the Eucharist in Catholic theology. Additionally, it is a time for personal reflection and spiritual preparation for the reception of the sacrament.

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