Litany of Our Lady of Seven Sorrows

Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.

Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God, the Father of heaven,
Have mercy on us.

God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
Have mercy on us.

God the Holy Ghost,
Have mercy on us.

Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin of virgins,
pray for us.

Mother of the Crucified,
pray for us.

Sorrowful Mother,
pray for us.

Mournful Mother,
pray for us.

Sighing Mother,
pray for us.

Afflicted Mother,
pray for us.

Foresaken Mother,
pray for us.

Desolate Mother,
pray for us.

Mother most sad,
pray for us.

Mother set around with anguish,
pray for us.

Mother overwhelmed by grief,
pray for us.

Mother transfixed by a sword,
pray for us.

Mother crucified in thy heart,
pray for us.

Mother bereaved of thy Son,
pray for us.

Sighing Dove,
pray for us.

Mother of Dolors,
pray for us.

Fount of tears,
pray for us.

Sea of bitterness,
pray for us.

Field of tribulation,
pray for us.

Mass of suffering,
pray for us.

Mirror of patience,
pray for us.

Rock of constancy,
pray for us.

Remedy in perplexity,
pray for us.

Joy of the afflicted,
pray for us.

Ark of the desolate,
pray for us.

Refuge of the abandoned,
pray for us.

Shield of the oppressed,
pray for us.

Conqueror of the incredulous,
pray for us.

Solace of the wretched,
pray for us.

Medicine of the sick,
pray for us.

Help of the faint,
pray for us.

Strength of the weak,
pray for us.

Protectress of those who fight,
pray for us.

Haven of the shipwrecked,
pray for us.

Calmer of tempests,
pray for us.

Companion of the sorrowful,
pray for us.

Retreat of those who groan,
pray for us.

Terror of the treacherous,
pray for us.

Standard-bearer of the Martyrs,
pray for us.

Treasure of the Faithful,
pray for us.

Light of Confessors,
pray for us.

Pearl of Virgins,
pray for us.

Comfort of Widows,
pray for us.

Joy of all Saints,
pray for us.

Queen of thy Servants,
pray for us.

Holy Mary, who alone art unexampled,
pray for us.

Pray for us, most Sorrowful Virgin,
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
O God, in whose Passion, according to the prophecy of Simeon, a sword of grief pierced through the most sweet soul of Thy glorious Blessed Virgin Mother Mary: grant that we, who celebrate the memory of her Seven Sorrows, may obtain the happy effect of Thy Passion, Who lives and reigns world without end. Amen.

Pope Pius VII

History of Litany of Our Lady of Seven Sorrows

The Litany of Our Lady of Seven Sorrows is a Catholic prayer that focuses on the seven sorrows of the Virgin Mary. It is also known as the Seven Sorrows Rosary or the Chaplet of the Seven Sorrows.

The devotion to the Seven Sorrows of Mary has been a part of Catholic spirituality since the Middle Ages, but the litany as it is known today was developed in the 17th century by the Servite Order of the Catholic Church.

The Servites, also known as the Servants of Mary, were a religious community founded in Florence, Italy in 1233. They emphasized devotion to Mary and the seven sorrows she experienced during her life, which were prophesied by Simeon in the Temple.

The Litany of Our Lady of Seven Sorrows was officially approved by the Holy See in 1888 and has become an important part of Catholic tradition, particularly in times of sorrow and distress.

The litany includes prayers to Mary that acknowledge each of her seven sorrows, such as the Flight into Egypt, the Loss of the Child Jesus in the Temple, and the Crucifixion. It also includes prayers of intercession and supplication to Mary for her guidance and assistance in times of need.

The litany has been recited by many Catholics around the world as a way to deepen their devotion to Mary and to seek her intercession during times of trial and suffering.

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