Lenten Prayer

Forgive those things we have done
which have caused you sadness,
and those things we should have done
that would have brought you joy.
In both we have failed
and you.
Bring us back to that place
where our journey began,
when we said that we would follow
the way that you first trod.
Lead us to the Cross
and meet
us there.

Deeper understanding of Lenten Prayer

The Lenten Prayer, also known as the Prayer before the Crucifix, is a Catholic prayer traditionally associated with the Lenten season. Its origins can be traced back to the early Christian church, when the 40-day period of fasting and penitence was first established.

The prayer is typically recited before a crucifix or other image of Christ on the cross, and is meant to remind believers of the sacrifice that Jesus made for our salvation.

The Lenten Prayer has undergone various adaptations over the centuries, but its essential message has remained the same: to express gratitude for the gift of salvation, and to seek God’s mercy and forgiveness for our sins.

One of the most popular versions of the prayer is attributed to St. Francis of Assisi, who is said to have recited it often during his own spiritual journey. Other versions have been written by notable Catholic figures such as St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Alphonsus Liguori, and St. Bonaventure.

Today, the Lenten Prayer remains an important part of the Catholic spiritual tradition, particularly during the season of Lent. It is a powerful reminder of the transformative power of Christ’s sacrifice, and of the need for ongoing repentance and spiritual renewal.

Overall, the Lenten Prayer is a beautiful and meaningful expression of Catholic faith, one that connects believers to the powerful and mysterious gifts of God’s love and mercy.

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