In the Shadow of Your Mercy

In the shadow of Your mercy, I find rest for my weary soul. Your love sustains me and makes me whole.

Lord, in Your infinite kindness, Draw me closer to Your heart. May Your love be the light that guides me from the start.

In Your arms, I find healing, And in Your presence, I find peace. May Your grace be with me, now and always, as I seek to increase.

May Mary, Queen of Heaven, Intercede for me before You. May I find courage and strength in her heavenly view.

In the shadow of Your mercy, I find hope for all my days. Guide me and keep me always in Your righteous ways.

More information about In the Shadow of Your Mercy

“In the Shadow of Your Mercy” is a Catholic prayer that expresses the deep longing of the human soul for God’s love and mercy. The prayer is attributed to Saint John Paul II, who wrote it during his pontificate.

The prayer reflects the deep spirituality and devotion of Saint John Paul II. He was known for his profound love for God and his deep commitment to prayer and contemplation.

The prayer was written in the early years of Saint John Paul II’s pontificate and was included in his book, “Crossing the Threshold of Hope.” The prayer quickly became popular among Catholics around the world and was adapted into various languages.

Saint John Paul II had a great devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The prayer reflects this devotion and invites Catholics to seek God’s mercy and grace through the intercession of Mary.

“In the Shadow of Your Mercy” is a prayer of hope and trust. It reminds us that no matter how difficult or challenging our lives may be, we can always turn to God for comfort and guidance.

The prayer has become a beloved part of Catholic tradition and is often recited during times of prayer and contemplation. It reminds us of the enduring power of Catholic spirituality and the importance of seeking God’s love and mercy in our daily lives.

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