Holy Guardian Angel (feast On October 2)

Dear Angel at my side, my good and loyal friend, you have been with me since the moment I was born. You are my own personal guardian, given me by God as my guide and protector, and you will stay with me till I die. He who created you and me gave me to you as your particular charge. You assisted in great joy at my baptism, when I became part of the Mystical Body of Christ, and was made a member of the household of God and an heir of heaven. You saw the dangers that beset my path, and, if I sinned, it was in spite of you. You envied me when Christ came to me in Holy Communion. Even though you probably were there among the angels that adored Him the night that He was born, you have not been able to receive Him as I can. O, help me to appreciate these gifts! Help me to realize, as you do, with every fiber of my being, that to serve Christ is to be a King! Help me steadfastly to avoid evil and do good and always guard my soul from sin. Protect me as well from physical evils as I go about my daily work. You will be with me all my life, and at the hour of my death. Help me to face death bravely, patiently, with great love of God, knowing that it is only through death that I can come to Him in heaven! Then, come with me to my Judge, and when the hour of my salvation comes, take me home to my Father, God.

The origins of Holy Guardian Angel (feast On October 2)

The Holy Guardian Angel prayer is a Catholic prayer that dates back to the early Church. It is a powerful prayer that invokes the intercession and protection of the guardian angels appointed by God to watch over and guide us on our earthly journeys.

The roots of the Holy Guardian Angel prayer can be traced back to the early Desert Fathers and Mothers of the Christian Church, who were renowned for their intense devotion and spirituality.

Over time, the prayer evolved and became more widely known and used by Catholics throughout the world.

The Catholic Church has long recognized the importance of guardian angels in the lives of believers, and has designated October 2 as the feast day of the Holy Guardian Angels.

During this special feast day, Catholics throughout the world come together to honor and celebrate the guardian angels who watch over and protect us from harm.

The Holy Guardian Angel prayer is often recited on this day as a way of expressing gratitude for the guidance and support that our guardian angels provide, as well as to seek their continued protection and intercession in our lives.

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