Holy Archangel Who Strengthened Our Lord in His Agony

I salute thee, holy Angel who didst comfort my Jesus in His agony, and with thee I praise the most holy Trinity for having chosen thee from among all the holy Angels to comfort and strengthen Him who is the comfort and strength of all that are in affliction. By the honor thou didst enjoy and by the obedience, humility and love wherewith thou didst assist the sacred Humanity of Jesus, my Savior, when He was fainting for very sorrow at seeing the sins of the world and especially my sins, I beseech thee to obtain for me perfect sorrow for my sins; deign to strengthen me In the afflictions that now overwhelm me, and in all the other trials, to which I shall be exposed henceforth and, in particular, when I find myself in my final agony. Amen.

The emergence of Holy Archangel Who Strengthened Our Lord in His Agony

The Holy Archangel Who Strengthened Our Lord in His Agony catholic prayer is a powerful prayer that is believed to have originated in the 17th century.

According to tradition, the prayer was given to a Carmelite nun by the archangel Raphael, who appeared to her and instructed her to recite the prayer daily.

The prayer is often used by Catholics to invoke the intercession of the archangel Raphael, who is believed to be a powerful defender and protector of the faithful.

The prayer draws its inspiration from the Gospel of Luke, which describes how the archangel Raphael strengthened Jesus during His Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane.

According to the Gospel, Jesus prayed fervently to His Father in heaven, asking Him to take away the cup of suffering that He was about to endure. In response, the archangel Raphael appeared to Him and strengthened Him, giving Him the courage and fortitude to face His trials.

Today, the Holy Archangel Who Strengthened Our Lord in His Agony catholic prayer remains a popular devotional practice for many Catholics. It is often recited during times of great distress or difficulty, as a way of seeking comfort and support from the archangel Raphael and from God

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