Hail, Thou Star of Ocean

Hail, thou star of ocean! portal of the sky! Ever virgn Mother of the Lord Most High!

Oh! by Gabriel’s Ave, Uttered long ago Eva’s name reversing, ‘Stablished peace below.

Break the captives’ fetters; Light on blindness pour, All our ills expelling, every bliss implore.

Show thyself a Mother, Offer Him our sighs, Who for us incarnate Did not thee despise.

Virgin of all virgins! To thy shelter take us; Gentlest of the gentle! Chase and gentle make us. Still as on we journey Help our weak endeavour; Till with thee and Jesus We rejoice forever.

Through the highest heaven, To the Almighty Three, Father, Son and Spirit, One same glory be.


The origins of Hail, Thou Star of Ocean

“Hail, Thou Star of Ocean” is a Catholic prayer dedicated to the Virgin Mary, Mother of God. It is believed to have originated in the sixth century and has been a popular devotional prayer ever since. The prayer is also known by its Latin title, “Ave Maris Stella.”

The prayer was originally sung or chanted during the Liturgy of the Hours, a series of prayers recited at specific times throughout the day in monasteries and convents. It was also used during processions and other liturgical celebrations and became increasingly popular throughout the medieval period.

In the thirteenth century, St. Thomas Aquinas, one of the most influential Catholic theologians and philosophers, wrote a commentary on the prayer, affirming its significance and spiritual value. The prayer has since been included in many Catholic hymnals and is still widely recited and sung today.

The prayer is a beautiful tribute to the Virgin Mary, acknowledging her role as the “Star of the Sea” who guides us through the storms of life and leads us to her Son, Jesus Christ. It is a reminder of Mary’s great love for us and her intercessory power before God. The prayer continues to inspire and comfort Catholics around the world, connecting them to the rich history and tradition of their faith.

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