Guardian Angel Prayer # 4

My good Angel, Thou comest from heaven; God has sent thee to take care of me. Oh, shelter me under thy wings. Lighten my path, direct my steps. Do not leave me, stay quite near me and defend me against the spirit of evil. But above all come to my help in the last struggle of my life. Deliver my soul so that with thee it may praise, love and contemplate the goodness of God forever and ever.

History of Guardian Angel Prayer # 4

The Guardian Angel Prayer is a beloved prayer in the Catholic Church that is said to date back several centuries. It is a simple yet powerful prayer that invokes the guidance and protection of one’s guardian angel, who is believed to be assigned by God to each individual from birth.

The prayer has undergone several variations and adaptations over the years, but the most commonly known version is believed to have originated in the 19th century. It became a popular children’s prayer during this time and has remained popular to this day, being recited by both children and adults alike.

The prayer begins with the words, “Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here. Ever this day, be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide.” It is a plea for the protection and guidance of one’s guardian angel, and an expression of trust in God’s loving care and guidance.

The Guardian Angel Prayer has served to remind Catholics of the spiritual realm and the continuous presence of God’s love in their lives. It has provided comfort and solace to those in need, and has inspired countless individuals to put their faith and trust in God.

Overall, the Guardian Angel Prayer is a testament to the belief in the heavenly realm and the power of prayer to connect us to it. It remains a beloved prayer in the Catholic Church and a powerful reminder of the constant presence and protection of one’s guardian angel.

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