Forty Days

Forty days alone,
a wilderness of thoughts,
tempting and inviting thoughts,
which could so easily have distracted you
from your task, your mission,
your vision.

Yet you emerged, stronger and more attuned
to all that had to be done,
despite a time constraint
that to our eyes would have seemed hopeless.
We too live in stressful times.

Demands are made of our time,
that leave so little
for the important things of life.

We are easily distracted
in the wilderness of our lives,
by every call to go this way or that,
to turn stone to bread
leap from mountains,
and do all that would keep us from the truth.
We listen to the voices of this world,
and ignore the one who endured all this
and so much more,
and emerged triumphant,
that we might not have to suffer so.

Forgive us, Father,
when we get distracted from our task.
Forgive us those times when we try
to be all things to all men,
and fail to be anything to anyone

The story of Forty Days

The Forty Days of Lent is an extensive period of fasting and prayer observed by the Catholic Church. This period precedes Easter and is a time of repentance and spiritual growth. This tradition has its roots in early Christian teachings and was established to commemorate the forty days Jesus spent in the wilderness, fasting and praying.

The number forty has significant biblical symbolism, representing punishment, purification, and preparation for a new beginning. The story of Noah’s flood, the Israelites’ forty years in the wilderness, and Jesus’ forty-day fast all involve a period of testing and spiritual growth.

The practice of forty days of prayer and fasting became widespread in the early Christian Church. Lent was established as a time of penance and sacrifice, modeled after Jesus’ forty-day fast in the wilderness. By the fourth century, Lent had become an established tradition in the church, with strict fasting and abstinence rules for the entire forty-day period.

The Catholic Church continues to observe the Forty Days of Lent as a time of fasting, prayer, and spiritual renewal. While the strict fasting and abstinence rules have been relaxed in recent years to account for individual needs and health concerns, the importance of this period of preparation is still widely recognized by the faithful. Many Catholics use the time of Lent to deepen their faith, give to charity, and complete acts of service as they prepare to celebrate the resurrection of Christ at Easter.

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