O my dear Lady, in your blessed presence, I humbly kneel before you.
With all my heart, I pray that you teach me the way of perfect love.
Mary, my mother, show me how to trust God and surrender my life to His will.
Help me to respond to the Holy Spirit’s promptings without hesitation or reservation.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, take my heart in your hands and guide me towards Jesus.
Lead me ever closer to His Sacred Heart, so that I may become like Him.
With your help, dear Lady, I know that I can overcome all the obstacles in my path.
I entrust to you all my joys and sorrows and beg for your intercession.
O Mother of God, hear my prayers, and grant me the grace of true devotion. Amen.
The legacy of Fatima Prayer
The Fatima Prayer, also known as the “O My Jesus” prayer, originated in 1917 during a series of Marian apparitions in Fatima, Portugal. During these apparitions, three shepherd children claimed to have received messages from the Virgin Mary, including a prayer that was to be added to the Rosary.
The prayer was revealed during the July 13th apparition, in which Mary showed the children a vision of the horrors of hell, and instructed them to pray for the conversion of sinners. The prayer was said to have been revealed as a response to this request, and was to be recited after each decade of the Rosary.
Although not officially included in the Rosary by the Vatican until 2002, the Fatima Prayer became popular among the faithful, particularly in the wake of the miracle of the sun, witnessed by thousands of people at the final apparition on October 13th. Since then, the prayer has been a common addition to the Rosary, particularly in the Western Church.
The prayer itself begins, “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to Heaven, especially those who have most need of Thy mercy.” It is a plea for mercy and salvation, inspired by the messages given to the children of Fatima, and continues to be a powerful prayer for Catholics around the world.