Debt Removal Prayer

Lord, I confess I’ve made mistakes.

I have accumulated too much debt, and
now I can not imagine overcoming it
without your help.

Please Lord, I beg of you to intercede
on my behalf. Provide me with the financial
means to be able to breathe again.

Please forgive my sins, Lord. Walk with
me and help me to make the right decisions
throughout my life.

In your name I pray, Amen

The legacy of Debt Removal Prayer

The Debt Removal Prayer is a Catholic prayer that is believed to help people in getting rid of their debts. The prayer has been around for many years and is known to have great power.

The Debt Removal Prayer is attributed to Saint Jude Thaddeus, who is considered the patron saint of lost causes. He is known for interceding in hopeless situations and granting miracles to those in need.

The origins of the prayer are unclear, but it is believed to have originated in the early days of the Catholic Church. The prayer has been passed down through generations of Catholics and is still popular today.

Many people who pray this prayer report feeling a sense of relief and peace after saying it. The prayer is said to have helped countless individuals overcome their debts and financial hardships, making it a powerful tool for those struggling financially.

It is important to note that while the Debt Removal Prayer is a powerful tool for those in need, it should not be seen as a substitute for responsible financial practices. Catholics are encouraged to manage their finances wisely and seek the help of financial advisors if needed.

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