Consecration to Mary

My Queen and my Mother,
I give myself entirely to you;
and to show my devotion to you,
I consecrate to you this day my eyes,
my ears, my mouth, my heart,
my whole being without reserve.
Wherefore, good Mother,
as I am your own,
keep me, guard me,
as your property and possession.

The timeline of Consecration to Mary

The Consecration to Mary is a Catholic prayer that has its roots in the early Church. From the earliest days of Christianity, Mary has been revered as the Mother of God and a powerful intercessor with her Son. Throughout the centuries, many saints and spiritual leaders have promoted the practice of consecration to Mary as a way of deepening one’s faith and devotion.

In the 18th century, St. Louis de Montfort wrote extensively on the practice of Marian consecration, developing a particular method that involved a period of preparation, a period of consecration, and a period of renewal. This method has become popular among Catholics and is still widely used today.

In the 20th century, the practice of Marian consecration gained renewed attention through the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima in 1917. During these apparitions, Mary called for the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart and encouraged individuals and families to consecrate themselves to her as well.

Pope John Paul II also had a special devotion to Mary and promoted the practice of Marian consecration among the faithful. He renewed the consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in 1984 and even made a personal pilgrimage to Fatima in 1982 to consecrate himself and the world to Mary.

The Consecration to Mary is a powerful prayer that allows Catholics to deepen their relationship with Mary and to seek her help and intercession in all aspects of their lives. It provides a tangible way for individuals and communities to consecrate themselves to Mary and to entrust their care and protection to her as the Mother of God.

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