O God, by Whose mercy the faithful departed find rest,
send Your holy angel to watch over this grave,
through Christ our Lord.
The background story of Cemetery Prayer #1
Cemetery Prayer #1 is a Catholic prayer typically recited at graveside services. The prayer is also known as the “Eternal Rest” prayer.
Its origins can be traced back to the Middle Ages when it was recited during the first Office of the Dead, which was a series of prayers offered for the repose of the souls of the departed.
The prayer is a supplication to God to grant eternal rest to the faithful departed, and to console and comfort those who are mourning their loss.
The text of the prayer includes the phrase “grant them eternal rest, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them,” which has become a popular expression of hope and faith for those who have lost loved ones.
The prayer is an important part of the Catholic funeral liturgy and is often recited by priests, deacons, or family members at the graveside of the deceased.
In addition to being used at funerals, Cemetery Prayer #1 has become a popular prayer for daily use, and is often included in Catholic prayer books and devotional materials.
The prayer is a reminder of the Catholic belief in the resurrection of the dead and the hope of eternal life promised by Jesus Christ.