Blessing of an Automobile

V. Our help is in the name of the Lord.
R. Who has made heaven and earth.
V. The Lord be with you.
R. And with your spirit.

Let us pray.

Lend a willing ear, Lord God, to our prayers, and bless this vehicle with Your holy right hand. Direct Your holy angels to accompany it, that they may free those who ride in it from all dangers, and always guard them. And just as by Your deacon Philip You gave faith and grace to the man of Ethiopia as he sat in his chariot reading the Sacred Word, so, point out to Your servants the way of salvation. Grant that, aided by Your grace, and with their hearts set on good works, they may, after all the joys and sorrows of this journey through life, merit to receive eternal joys, through Christ our Lord.

R. Amen.

(And it is sprinkled with holy water.)

The origins of Blessing of an Automobile

The Blessing of an Automobile is a Catholic prayer that seeks God’s protection and blessing on a motor vehicle. The history of this prayer can be traced back to the early days of the automobile, when cars and trucks were new and unfamiliar objects in society.

As people began to rely on automobiles for transportation, many Catholics sought the blessing and protection of God for their vehicles. This led to the development of a formal prayer of blessing for automobiles, which could be performed by a priest or other authorized minister.

The Blessing of an Automobile typically involves the sprinkling of holy water on the vehicle, accompanied by a prayer for God’s protection, safety, and guidance. The prayer may also include a special petition for the safety of those who will be riding in the car, as well as for the care and maintenance of the vehicle itself.

Today, the blessing of automobiles remains a popular Catholic practice, particularly among those who place a high value on their vehicles or who are embarking on a long journey. By seeking God’s blessing and protection, Catholics hope to ensure a safe and trouble-free journey, and to express their gratitude for the many blessings of modern life.

Overall, the history of the Blessing of an Automobile reflects the enduring importance of Catholic prayer and devotion in all aspects of life, even in the realm of the everyday and the mundane. By seeking God’s blessing in all things, Catholics hope to deepen their faith and express their gratitude

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