Before the Closing of the Day

Before the closing of the day,
Creator, we Thee humbly pray,
That, for Thy wonted mercy’s sake,
Thou us under protection take.
May nothing in our minds excite
Vain dreams and phantoms of the night;
Our enemies repress, that so
Our bodies no uncleanness know.
In this, most gracious Father, hear,
With Christ, Thy equal Son, our prayer;
Who, with the Holy Ghost and Thee,
Doth live and reign eternally.

Further insights into Before the Closing of the Day

Before the Closing of the Day is a Catholic prayer that is also known as the “Night Prayer” or “Compline.” It is a prayer of gratitude for the day that has passed as well as a plea for protection during the night. The prayer has a rich history dating back to the early Christian Church.

In the early Church, monks and nuns would gather for prayer seven times a day, including once in the middle of the night. This practice of prayer was known as the Divine Office or the Liturgy of the Hours. The Night Prayer or Compline was the last prayer of the day and was recited just before bedtime.

As time went on, the practice of the Divine Office became less prevalent among the laity, but the Night Prayer or Compline continued to be used by devout Catholics. With the Second Vatican Council, the liturgy was revised and simplified, and the Night Prayer was included in the updated Liturgy of the Hours.

The Prayer Before the Closing of the Day consists of psalms, hymns, and prayers that express thankfulness for the blessings of the day and ask for protection during the night. It is a beautiful and peaceful prayer that allows one to reflect on the day that has passed and to let go of any worries or concerns before retiring for the night.

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