Act of Right Intention

Dear Lord, as I begin this task, please help me to set my intentions with a heart full of love and selflessness.

May my intentions be pure, free from pride, envy, anger, and any other selfish motives. I ask for Your guidance in all things.

Grant me the grace to keep my focus on Your will and to seek only Your glory, not mine. May the work I do be a true reflection of Your boundless love and mercy.

Help me to be humble, courageous, and dedicated in all that I do, and to offer everything up to You in the spirit of love and gratitude. May Your holy will be done, and may Your name be glorified through my actions.

I offer this Act of Right Intention to You, my Lord and my God, with a heart full of faith, trust, and deep gratitude. Please bless my endeavors and help me to walk humbly in Your love and grace. Amen.

The legacy of Act of Right Intention

The Act of Right Intention is a Catholic prayer that is said at the beginning of a task, activity, or endeavor to set one’s intentions in the right direction.

The concept of setting one’s intentions towards God and His will for us can be traced back to the teachings of Jesus in the Bible. He emphasized the importance of loving God with all our hearts and minds, and to do everything for His glory, not our own.

Various saints and spiritual leaders throughout history, such as Saint Ignatius of Loyola and Saint Francis de Sales, have also emphasized the importance of setting our intentions towards God and seeking His will in all things.

The Act of Right Intention is a prayer that asks for God’s guidance in setting our intentions towards Him and seeking only His glory. It is an expression of humility, faith, and trust that acknowledges our need for God’s help and guidance in all aspects of our lives.

Today, the Act of Right Intention continues to be a cherished part of many Catholics’ daily prayers, offering a reminder to focus on God and His will in all of our endeavors, and to strive for a life that is filled with faith, humility, and dedication to His service.

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