Act of Resignation

O Lord, my God, I come before You to offer an act of resignation to Your most holy will.

I trust in Your infinite wisdom, mercy and love, and I submit myself to Your divine commandments, fully and completely. My life is in Your hands.

Help me to trust in Your divine providence and to follow Your will for me, even when it does not align with my own desires. May my heart be filled with humility, surrender and faith, knowing that You are always with me.

Grant me the grace to accept whatever trials, sufferings, or challenges You may send my way, and to offer them up as a sacrifice of love to You. May Your holy will be done, and may I glorify You in all things.

I offer this act of resignation to You, my Lord and my God, with a heart full of love and trust. Thank You for Your blessings upon me and for Your constant care and guidance. Grant me the grace to always seek Your will, and to live a life that is pleasing to You. Amen.

The timeline of Act of Resignation

The Act of Resignation is a Catholic prayer that has its roots in the teachings of Jesus Christ and the writings of various saints throughout history.

The prayer is based on the belief that God has a plan for each of us, and that we should surrender ourselves completely to His will, even when it is difficult or painful.

Saint Francis de Sales, a sixteenth-century French bishop and Doctor of the Church, was known for his emphasis on the importance of surrendering oneself to the will of God. He is often quoted as saying, “The measure of love is to love without measure. When God loves, He loves without measure.”

The Act of Resignation has been used by Catholics for centuries as a way of expressing their complete trust in God and their willingness to accept whatever circumstances or challenges come their way.

Today, the Act of Resignation continues to be a cherished prayer for many Catholics who seek to surrender themselves completely to the will of God, and to live a life of humility, surrender, faith, and love. Through this prayer, Catholics offer their lives as a sacrifice of love to God, trusting that His holy will is always for their ultimate good and the good of all humanity.

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