Act of Oblation to the Blessed Virgin Mary

My Queen! my Mother!
I give thee all myself, and,
to show my devotion to thee,
I consecrate to thee my eyes,
my ears, my mouth, my heart, my entire self.
Wherefore, O loving Mother,
as I am thine own,
keep me, defend me,
as thy property and possession.


The story of Act of Oblation to the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Act of Oblation to the Blessed Virgin Mary is a Catholic prayer that expresses an individual’s devotion and surrender to the Virgin Mary. The prayer is used to deepen the individual’s relationship with Mary and to seek her intercession and protection.

The origins of the Act of Oblation to the Blessed Virgin Mary are uncertain, but it is believed to have evolved from ancient Catholic prayers that emphasized the role of Mary in salvation. Over time, the prayer has been refined and adapted to reflect the changing attitudes and beliefs of the Church.

The prayer emphasizes the importance of devotion and surrender, as the individual offers themselves completely to Mary and seeks her guidance and protection. Through this act of oblation, Catholics seek to deepen their relationship with Mary and to become instruments of her love and mercy.

The Act of Oblation to the Blessed Virgin Mary is a reminder of the importance of Mary in the life of a Catholic. It encourages Catholics to approach Mary with reverence and humility, and to seek her intercession so that they may be guided and protected by her.

Today, the Act of Oblation to the Blessed Virgin Mary remains a popular prayer among Catholics. It is a powerful reminder of the importance of devotion and surrender in the life of a Catholic, and it encourages individuals to seek a deeper relationship with Mary through prayer and devotion.

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