Lord Jesus, I humbly receive you into my heart, Grateful for the gift of your Body and Blood.
May this holy communion Deepen my faith, Renew my love for you, and increase my humility.
You are the source of all goodness And without you, I am nothing. Please help me to remember this always.
May the grace of this sacrament Transform me into your likeness, So that I may live my life as a witness to your love.
I ask for your guidance As I seek to grow in holiness And to live a life of true humility.
May your holy presence Remain with me always, Strengthening me in my weaknesses, and supporting me in my struggles.
I thank you, Lord, For the many blessings you have given me, And for the gift of this holy communion.
The timeline of Act of Humility after Holy Communion
The Act of Humility after Holy Communion is a Catholic prayer that has been used for generations to express gratitude and humility following the reception of the Eucharist.
The practice of offering prayers of thanksgiving and humility after receiving the Eucharist dates back to the early Church and has been documented in several ancient Christian writings.
In the Middle Ages, the practice of offering prayers of thanksgiving after receiving the Eucharist became more formalized, as Catholic devotion and liturgy evolved to include more expressive forms of prayer.
The Act of Humility after Holy Communion has been included in many Catholic prayer books over the centuries and is often recited during Mass or in private prayer after Communion.
The prayer expresses humility and gratitude for the gift of Christ’s Body and Blood and asks for the grace to live a life that reflects this sacred gift.
It is a powerful reminder of the Catholic belief in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist and serves as a call to live a life of faith and service in light of this transformative encounter with God.
Today, the Act of Humility after Holy Communion is a beloved prayer in the Catholic tradition, a testament to the ongoing relevance and power of the Eucharist in the life of the Church.