Act of Hope #3

O my God!
Who hast graciously promised every blessing,
even Heaven itself,
through Jesus Christ,
to those who keep Thy commandments;
relying on Thine infinite power,
goodness and mercy,
and confiding in Thy sacred promises,
to which Thou art always faithful,
I confidently hope to obtain pardon of all my sins;
grace to serve Thee faithfully in this life,
by doing the good works Thou hast commanded,
and which,
with Thine assistance,
I now purpose to perform,
and eternal happiness in the next,
through my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.


Further insights into Act of Hope #3

The Act of Hope #3 is a traditional Catholic prayer that emphasizes the importance of trusting in God’s mercy and grace.

The prayer reflects the fundamental beliefs of the Catholic faith in the love of God and the promise of eternal life.

The origins of the prayer can be traced back to the Scriptures, where various passages encourage the faithful to place their trust in God’s unfailing love.

Over time, the prayer has been elaborated upon and developed by various theologians and saints, including St. Thomas Aquinas, who wrote extensively on the virtue of hope.

During the Council of Trent, the Catholic Church affirmed the importance of the theological virtues of faith, hope, and charity, recognizing them as essential to the Christian life.

Today, the Act of Hope #3 remains a beloved prayer among Catholics, offering comfort and strength in times of struggle and distress, and inspiring the faithful to place their trust in God’s mercy and grace.

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