My God,
I firmly believe that Thou art everywhere present
and seest all things.
Thou seest my nothingness,
my inconstancy, my sinfulness.
Thou seest me in all my actions;
Thou seest me in this my meditation.
I bow down before Thee,
and worship Thy Divine majesty with my whole being.
Cleanse my heart from all vain,
wicked, and distracting thoughts.
Enlighten my understanding,
and inflame my will,
that I may pray with reverence,
attention and devotion.
The legacy of Act of Divine Presence
The Act of Divine Presence is a prayer in the Catholic Church that is meant to accompany the recitation of the Holy Rosary. It is a way for Catholics to offer themselves and their prayers to God through the intercession of the Virgin Mary.
The prayer is believed to have originated in the nineteenth century and was popularized by a French priest named Saint Peter Julian Eymard. He was a prominent figure in the Catholic Church and founded the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament, which is dedicated to promoting devotion to the Eucharist.
Saint Peter Julian Eymard saw the Act of Divine Presence as a way to deepen one’s spiritual connection to God through the practice of the Holy Rosary. He believed that by offering oneself in the presence of God and the Virgin Mary, one could cultivate a deeper sense of humility and devotion.
Today, the Act of Divine Presence is still recited by many Catholics as part of their daily prayer practice. It is often included in Catholic prayer books and is seen as a way to deepen one’s spiritual connection to God and the Virgin Mary.