Act of Contrition Before Holy Communion # 1

Oh Lord Jesus Christ, I am not worthy to receive You, but only say the word, and I shall be healed. I come before You with a humbled heart, aware of my weakness, my mistakes and my unworthiness. But in Your great love for me, You invite me to partake in Your body and blood, and I come to You with confidence and gratitude.

Please forgive me for all the wrong I have done and all the good I have failed to do. Purify me from all sins, cleanse me from all impurities, and make me worthy of this holy sacrament. May Your precious blood wash away my sins and Your grace empower me to live a life that honors You.

As I receive You, Jesus, I open my heart to You and invite You to dwell in me. May Your presence in me strengthen me, guide me and transform me. I offer You my whole self, all my joys and sorrows, all my strengths and weaknesses. May I always live for You, and may Your will be done in me.

Thank You, Jesus, for Your love, for Your mercy, and for Your desire to be one with me. May this communion unite me more closely to You and to Your Church. I adore You, I love You, I trust You. Amen.

The background story of Act of Contrition Before Holy Communion # 1

The Act of Contrition Before Holy Communion is a prayer that Catholics often say before receiving the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. This prayer is an expression of contrition and a request for forgiveness for sins before approaching the altar to receive the body and blood of Christ. The history of this particular prayer is not clear, but it has been used by Catholics for many years.

Historically, before receiving communion, Catholics would go to confession to seek forgiveness for sins. However, over time, the practice of confession before every communion became less common, and the Act of Contrition Before Holy Communion developed as a way for Catholics to express their contrition and acknowledge their need for forgiveness.

The prayer focuses on the theme of unworthiness and the recognition that without the grace of God, we are not worthy to receive the sacrament. This echoes the words of the Roman centurion in the Gospel of Matthew, who recognizes his own unworthiness and need for Christ’s healing.

The Act of Contrition Before Holy Communion is a personal prayer that recognizes the individual’s sins and the need for forgiveness. It is an essential part of Catholic spiritual preparation before receiving the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Through this prayer, Catholics acknowledge their unworthiness and sinfulness, seek forgiveness and grace, and prepare for a closer union with Christ through the sacrament.

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