O my God,
I am sorry and beg pardon for all my sins,
and detest them above all things,
because they deserve Thy dreadful punishments,
because they have crucified my loving Saviour Jesus
and most of all because they offend Thine infinite
and I firmly resolve,
by the help of Thy grace,
never to offend Thee again,
and carefully to avoid the occasions of sin.
History of Act of Contrition (Authorized for usage in England)
The Act of Contrition is a Catholic prayer that expresses a penitential heart, contrition for sins, and repentance. It is often said during the sacrament of confession and is a standard prayer that Catholics are expected to memorize. In England, an authorized version of the Act of Contrition is commonly used.
The authorized version of the Act of Contrition in England is known as the “Modern Form” and was approved for use in the Catholic Church in 1973. The prayer was modified to reflect the changes made during the Second Vatican Council and to use language that is more accessible to modern believers.
The Modern Form Act of Contrition acknowledges the holy nature of God and recognizes that sin is an affront to that holiness. It confesses the wrong done and asks God for mercy and forgiveness. The prayer ends with a commitment to try to do better and avoid sin in the future.
Before the Modern Form, the Act of Contrition used in England was the “Traditional Form” of the prayer. This prayer was used for centuries and was an essential part of Catholic devotion. However, like all languages, English has changed over time, and the prayer was updated to make it more relevant to modern Catholicism.
Today, the Modern Form of the Act of Contrition is commonly used in England and is a valuable tool for Catholics seeking to confess their sins and seek forgiveness. The prayer is an essential part of the Catholic tradition and represents a deeply significant aspect of the relationship between God and believers.