O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended you. I confess all my sins to you, Lord, and ask for your forgiveness and mercy.
I am sorry for the times when I have failed to love you, and for the ways in which I have hurt others by my words and actions.
I pledge to do my best to avoid sin in the future, with your help and guidance. I ask for the grace to grow in love and virtue, and to be a source of light and love in the world.
Thank you for your unfailing mercy, and for the hope and healing that you offer to all who come to you in sincerity and need. Amen.
Additional details regarding Act of Contrition # 8
The Act of Contrition #8 is a Catholic prayer that is commonly used during the Sacrament of Confession. Its origins are not well documented, but it is believed to have emerged in the 19th or early 20th century.
This prayer emphasizes the penitent’s sorrow for sin and their desire for forgiveness and reconciliation with God. It recognizes the harm that sin causes to oneself and to others, and expresses a commitment to avoiding sin in the future.
The Act of Contrition #8 has undergone various translations and adaptations over time, but its essential message of repentance and trust in God’s mercy remains a powerful source of spiritual guidance and renewal for Catholics around the world.
This prayer reminds us that we are all in need of God’s mercy and forgiveness, and that no sin is too great to be forgiven. It calls us to be humble and contrite, seeking reconciliation with God and with one another.
Through the centuries, the Act of Contrition has given comfort and strength to countless believers seeking repentance and renewal. Its enduring popularity testifies to the power of prayer to transform human lives, offering us a path towards greater humility, compassion, and spiritual growth.