I, (Name), calling on the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in union with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and all the angels and saints, offer myself to the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, which was shed for us on the Cross for the salvation of souls.
I thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, for the shedding of Your Precious Blood for the remission of our sins. I am truly sorry for every sin I have committed and for all the times I have failed to love You as I should. I ask for Your mercy and forgiveness, especially for my own offenses against Your Most Precious Blood.
I consecrate myself, my family, and all my loved ones to the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. I ask for Your protection and guidance in all aspects of our lives, and I pray that Your Precious Blood may be a source of grace and strength for us always.
I also consecrate to Your Precious Blood, the Church, the Holy Father, all priests, deacons, religious, and all those who labor for the salvation of souls. May Your Most Precious Blood be a source of healing, unity, and renewal for the Church and for the world.
I offer this prayer in reparation for all the sins of the world, for the conversion of sinners, and for the salvation of souls. May the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ be praised and adored forevermore. Amen.
Further insights into Act of Consecration to the Most Precious Blood
The Act of Consecration to the Most Precious Blood is a Catholic prayer that has its origins in the Middle Ages. It was a popular devotion in the late medieval period, especially among the Franciscans and the Dominicans.
The prayer reflects the Christian understanding that the blood of Jesus Christ, shed for us on the Cross, is a source of grace and salvation for all believers. It asks for the intercession of the Most Precious Blood in the spiritual lives of believers and in the salvation of souls.
In the 19th and 20th centuries, the devotion to the Most Precious Blood experienced a revival, especially in response to the spiritual needs of the time. Devotional materials, including prayers and hymns, were published and distributed to promote the devotion.
The Act of Consecration to the Most Precious Blood, as we know it today, was developed in response to the call for renewed devotion to the Precious Blood in the 20th century. It was first written by Pope Pius IX in the 19th century, and was later revised by Pope John XXIII in 1960.
Today, the Act of Consecration to the Most Precious Blood is still widely prayed by Catholics around the world, especially during the month of July, which is dedicated to the Precious Blood. It is seen as a powerful way to deepen one’s spiritual life and to seek the intercession of the Most Precious Blood in the salvation of souls.