Act of Consecration to Jesus

Lord Jesus Christ, I consecrate myself today anew and without reserve to your divine Heart. I consecrate to you my body with all its senses, my soul with all its faculties, my entire being. I consecrate to you all my thoughts, words and deeds, all my sufferings and labors, all my hopes, consolations and joys. In particular I consecrate to you this poor heart of mine so that it may love only you and may be consumed as a victim in the fire of your love.

I place my trust in you without reserve and I hope for the remission of my sins through your infinite mercy. I place within your hands all my cares and anxieties. I promise to love you and to honor you till the last moment of my life, and to spread, as much as I can, devotion to your most Sacred Heart.

Do with me what you will, my Jesus. I deserve no other reward except your greater glory and your holy love. Take this offering of myself and give me a place within your divine Heart forever. Amen.

The origins of Act of Consecration to Jesus

The Act of Consecration to Jesus is a Catholic prayer that expresses the desire to consecrate one’s life to Jesus Christ.

The prayer’s origins can be traced back to the early Christian Church, where the concept of consecration was understood as an act of complete surrender to God’s will.

The prayer emphasizes the importance of giving oneself entirely to Jesus, and it expresses a deep commitment to live according to His teachings and to follow Him wherever He leads.

The Act of Consecration to Jesus has been adapted and modified throughout the centuries to reflect the changing spiritual needs and concerns of the faithful.

Today, the prayer is still widely used in Catholic communities around the world as a way to express one’s love and devotion to Jesus Christ. It is often recited during Mass or other services, as well as in private prayer.

The prayer is a powerful reminder of the importance of giving oneself entirely to God, and it is a source of inspiration and strength for Catholics seeking to deepen their faith and live a more meaningful life in Christ.

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